Ted's Graphics World Chemo Comics
by Pam deGaines

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Pamelia deGaines, a totally self-taught artist, was the most talented person I ever met.  We married in 1971 and spent most of the next nineteen years as proprietors of pottery shops at various locations in Nevada, California, and Oregon.  When Pam was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1979, she immediately opted for the recommended radical mastectomy.

Over the next ten years, Pam put up a good fight, doing as the doctors instructed, reading everything available about her illness, and attending support-groups as far away as a hundred miles from home.

Chemotherapy treatments commenced in 1986.  During that period Pam continued to work and play as hard as her health would permit, and she never stopped producing artwork including the drawings in this book.  Appreciating that treating this subject matter in a light-hearted vein would not appeal to everyone, Pam nevertheless felt the need to share her feelings and insights in the best way she could — through her drawings.

Pam died peacefully in 1989, just short of her 50th birthday.  Several of her finest art works grace the walls of my home, and they always will.

Sincerely, Ted

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