Ted's Hiking World Olmstead Loop
Auburn State Recreation Area

June 3, 2009

After rejecting the planned hike when I encountered inclement weather and an army of mosquitoes at the trailhead, I opt for a day of exploration.  This option culminates with a disastrous five-mile 'shortcut' on a back road that has been abandoned for so long that new trees are growing in the middle of it.

Frustrated and disgusted by all the scratches on my Outback, I stop at a multi-use park on the way home hoping to salvage something from this excursion.

The trailhead

Excepting the easy walking, the only real attraction here is the flowers, which are plentiful today.  The first ones to get my attention seem to be California-specific varieties.  In particular, blackberries and brodiaea are all over the place.

California Brodiaea
California Balsamroot

California Poppy
California Blackberry

There are a number of trail choices in these low rolling foothills.  Some are more frequently used than others; as much as possible, I will stick to the smaller ones that are not shared by horses.

Walking doesn't get any easier than this

Bird's Foot Lotus
Western Goat's Beard

Pale Flax
Lesser Hawkbit

The creek has long been dry; but hanging around are a couple of flowers that tend to congregate at streamside.

No water left around here

White Brodiaea

About a mile and a half into the walk, I pass by a really pretty green hillside.  Although a round-trip of eight miles is available, I opt to turn back here.  My sweetie is probably busy preparing a hearty supper for the 'weary' hiker.

This north-facing hill has avoided the sun so far

Owl's Clover

More Blackberries
More Poppies

A small group of turkeys crosses my path.  This is the only wildlife that I would see, except for all the bugs.

Wild turkeys
Cat's Ear

I have seen but two other walkers in the area — a mother and her small son.  Despite the sounds of auto traffic just to the east, it is quite peaceful here.

It is nearing sundown

At the finish I have some more photos of flower varieties that have yet to be identified.

Birdsfoot Trefoil
Rose Clover

Sheep Sorrel
Winecup Fairyfan

Only the seeds remain

§: This pleasant outing has assuaged my guilt and frustration.  I would not come here much later in the year, as it will be too hot and the grasses will have burned to a crisp.

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Flowers *
Solitude *

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