Ted's Hiking World Sand Cave
near Kanab, Utah

October 23, 2019

I am on the way to Kanab, where I will headquarter for several days of hiking.  Just outside of town and right next to the highway is a sandstone cliff featuring a cave with five sizable openings.  Exploring it has been on my bucket list for some time.

I will have plenty of company

Start of the trail

There is a catch, however.  Getting up to the cave involves ascending a fifty-foot cliff.  Although trails are running everywhere, there is no clue as to the best place to climb this thing.  A young couple is heading purposefully toward the cave itself; I'll follow them and see what happens.

Perhaps they know the best way

Down and up

Nope.  Those guys also must be newcomers, for there is no possible climbing route over here.

Dead end

Heading back the other way

It's looking better

The couple ahead find a suitable spot; starting up the slickrock, the man chants, "Like a mountain goat".

Mr. Mountain Goat is barefoot

I continue along the cliff to see whether an even better opportunity is available, finding one at the leftmost end of the cliff.

This looks easy enough

The slickrock scramble is dispatched without incident, although for safety I cherry-pick the route in a couple of places.

A five-minute cliff-top traverse should do it

Made it!


Sand Cave Arch

Whoa!  What's this on the ceiling directly above me?

This is why I go hiking

Sharing some tour info

Back end of the cave

* *

Two more openings


There is plenty of graffiti

From the back of the cave


Starting back

* *

It is becoming crowded here

Trying their luck on the steep ramp

Back down the way I came up

§: Well, that was fun.  This scramble is not for the faint of heart, but for most it's pretty easy.  Liberally speaking, one could consider the cave's five openings collectively as a quadruple arch.

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Adventure *


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