Ted's Hiking World Bassi Falls
Crystal Basin Recreation Area

April 10, 2022

I stopped by here a couple of weeks ago, finding the access road still gated due to the forest-wide Caldor Fire closure; so I rode my bike up to the trailhead.  It looked as if much of the trail might still be snowbound, so I elected to postpone a hike.

Snow should not be a problem today for Eileen and me.  Albeit not our first visit to Bassi Falls, it will be our first outing on this, the 'main' trail.  It is just 46 degrees at the moment, but that won't last long.


There is plenty of water in Bassi Creek

This guy didn't survive the winter




After taking a couple of short detours to view the rushing water, the objective finally appears.

Bassi Falls, 109'

* *

These falls are louder than they are high

My partner is amenable to visiting the area just above the brink of the falls.  This is easier said than done, however.  Every choice of routes up the rock pile proves steep and slippery.  In one spot, we rely on grabbing some manzanita branches to prevent a dangerous slide on decomposed granite.

Not an easy route

The runway just above the falls

Almost a waterwheel effect

Snack time

I know from prior outings that there is a fairly easy route down over to the right; but once again, we cut into the cliff too soon and must deal with more scrambling over treacherous boulders.

An unusual find

Last view of the falls

The unnamed Lower Falls are pretty nice as well

Beige Fibrecap mushrooms hiding on a dead tree

Presently, Eileen notices an unusual reddish something about ten feet off the trail:


A minute later I spot another fearsome denizen.


Continuing down the path, we encounter more guys that presumably are awaiting discovery during an imminent treasure hunt.

* *

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It is possible that we missed some of the goodies closer to the falls, because we certainly weren't looking for them at that time.

Not to be outdone, Carmine decides to get into the act

§: Well, we might just have to make this one an annual early-season warmup.  Next time, I will make the effort to find the easy route off the cliff.

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Adventure *
Flowers *


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