Ted's Hiking World Lagomarsino Canyon Petroglyphs
Storey County

June 24, 2023

Such a fun outing, despite some anxiety!  And we did not need a rental car; I trust that my driving was satisfactory.

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Home, sweet home

Wild horses

Prairie Sunflower

Longhorn cattle

As far as the car can go


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Spiny Hopsage


Catching up



There's Petey, my avatar.  Compare him with the guy at the top of this page

So long, my friend; I might not see you again

Virtual lizard
Real lizard




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Cobwebby Thistle


It hasn't changed in 70 years  (see the vintage photo)

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At the second marker



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Grassplum Milkvetch

Leaving the area

Some Virginia City "attractions":

St. Mary's in the Mountains — built without a single nail

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Balloon vendor

3,261 silver dollars

Oddfellows Hall



In Virginia City Highlands

In Lagomarsino Canyon

Woods' Rose
Cobwebby Thistle

Western Whiptail

Ain't love grand?

Ted's first visit, 1954

Barbara's visit, 1998


Go here for more information:  [www.nvrockart.org/aan_pages/txt/Lagomarsino_Canyon.pdf]

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