Ted's Hiking World Enchanted Pools Loop
Desolation Wilderness

June 29, 2024

Thanks a lot for today's company.  The lower-than-expected water levels provided plenty of interest anyway.

Magically securing the last available parking spot

Even in death, it still enhances our day

Wonderful geology

At Lower Enchanted Pool

For some reason, I didn't even photograph the pool itself.

Perhaps there is some gold in the quartz

The trail is flower-laden today

Mountain Pride
Woolly Sunflower


A special attraction, at Middle Enchanted Pool:

[Play me]

That scene-cluttering log showed up last year.




Bird's-eye Gilia
Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily

The Obstacle

Overlooking Upper Enchanted Pool

Northern Checkerspot

Ted's Slab awaits us

Perhaps my favorite spot in the Northern Sierra





They don't mind wet feet

* *

Detouring around the cliff

Dike Rock


Mountain Prettyface
Jewel Flower

Meadow Sweet  -aka-  Rose Spirea


Getting up the courage to jump the creek

Made it!

Umpa Lake is directly in the center, just below the dark overhang

* *

Wandering Daisy  -aka-  Subalpine Fleabane





Shortcutting the Tyler-Gertrude Trali

The Umpa Lake drainage can be so much nicer when some water is flowing

Bracket Polypores fungi
Rhizocarpaceae fungi

The 'secret' passage beside the dried-up falls

Obsessed with dead trees today

Finally, the principal objective appears:

The falls at Upper Enchanted Pool

It looks so inviting

Allen, Ted, and Walter

The photographer's tent

The 'big picture' shows Ted's Slab above the falls

Giant Red Indian Paintbrush
Irisleaf Rush

Finding a new way back across the creek

A seemingly injured Sheep Moth

Spearleaf Stonecrop
Twolobe Larkspur

On the last lap

Smith Lake Drainage

Entering Mosquito Alley

This Alpine Lily shot cost me three mosquito bites

Finishing up at Chappell Bridge; one railing was broken by snow for two years


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